Tai Chi 0 – le Arti Marziali Steampunk!Tai Chi 0 – Steampunk Martial Arts!

La locandina del film

“Un bambino prodigio e il suo lungo viaggio per imparare il Tai Chi, diventare un maestro, affrontare, poi, un esercito di invasori steampunk e aiutare gli abitanti del suo villaggio “. 

“A gifted child with a fleshy growth on his forehead travels far to learn Tai Chi and eventually becomes a master. He then faces an army of steampunk invaders and protect the villagers.”

This is the preamble of the movie Tai Chi 0, the first part of a trilogy of Huayi Brothers (Kung Fu Hustle) leading steampunk, with its steam creations, in China.

Tai Chi 0 will be directed by Stephen Fung and will be choreographed by Sammo Hung (Martial Law).

The release date is set tentatively for 2013.


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Published in: on Aprile 5, 2012 at 9:24 pm  Lascia un commento  
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