Dal sito Quite Earth siamo venuti a conoscenza del concept trailer di un film chiamato Oculista che speriamo possa veder presto la luce. È una sorta di fiaba steampunk, un viaggio misterioso all’interno di una fabbrica in cui gli operai sono in sella a biciclette e pedalando danno energia a qualcosa di sconosciuto; in cambio ricevono “esperienze di piacere ipnotico” con la promessa di vivere, un giorno, nella città dei loro sogni.
From the site Quite Earth, we’ve got a taste of the concept trailer of a film called Oculista, that we hope will see the light soon. It is a steampunk fairy tale, a mysterious travel inside a factory in which workers ride bicycles powering something unknown; in exchange they receive “hypnotic leisure experiences” with the promise to live in the city of their dreams.
Here’s a short description of the trailer:
“Henri Grotowski looks out of the window of an old train speeding through the night with the excitable naivety of someone who has left his small town to make his fortune in the big world; on his lap a battered suitcase and a portable Gramophone. Instead of the ticket inspector, Henri is visited by the mysterious Oculista who offers Henri a look through his magical glasses…”
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