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Zombies al Vapore con BoneshakerSteam-Zombies with Boneshaker


La londinese Hammer Films ha acquisito i diritti per l’adattamento cinematografico del pluripremiato romanzo Boneshaker di Cherie Priest, pubblicato nel 2009 (ancora inedito qui in Italia).

The London-based Hammer Films has acquired the rights to the film adaptation of the award-winning novel Boneshaker by Cherie Priest, published in 2009 (still unreleased here in Italy).

In this “classic adventure of zombies and steampunk airships”, as defined on the cover, we are catapulted into an alternate version of 1880 in Seattle, walled city due to a toxic gas that has turned many of its inhabitants into zombies.
We will follow the adventures of a young widow searching for her teenage son in the underworld of Seattle, facing a powerful criminal boss, pirates of the sky and finally heavily armed refugees.

The film will be produced in collaboration with Cross Creek Pictures who also produced The Black Swan with Natalie Portman.

Tobin Armbrust, supervisor of the project development for Hammer Films, said: “First of all, this is a great story: bring to life a steampunk style novel on the big screen is something special and unique”. (altro…)

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Voglio un blaster NERF!I want a NERF blaster!


Potevamo noi dello S.T.I.M. esimerci dal fare un po’ i nerd parlando delle NERF di Hasbro? No di certo! 😀

Could S.T.I.M. hold back from doing nerds talking about the NERF from Hasbro? Of course not! 😀

Famous overseas and even here, the NERF blasters are the technological evolution, but always harmless, of old toy guns that we used as children. They are very colorful, with its soft and ergonomic shapes and shoot darts made ​​from a special soft rubber foam that doesn’t harm people or things (NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam).

And what does Steampunk in all of this?

Easy! The NERF are completely disassembled and can be changed and recolored to be transformed into retro-futuristic weapons than we love so much. There are many videos on Youtube that show how to extricate in the disassembly of the blasters, the rest is left to your imagination and to the advices that we give you in the near future for some steampunk modding!


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Bioshock Infinite – AnteprimaBioshock Infinite – Preview


BioShock Infinite è un videogioco sparatutto in prima persona attualmente in sviluppo presso Irrational Games, terzo episodio della serie BioShock.

Ambientato nel 1912, BioShock Infinite vedrà come protagonista l’agente Booker Dewitt impegnato a liberare la giovane Elizabeth, imprigionata nell’immensa città volante chiamata Columbia.

BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game currently in development at Irrational Games, third episode of the BioShock series.

Set in 1912, BioShock Infinite will star agent Booker Dewitt as the hero pledged to free the young Elizabeth, imprisoned in the vast floating city called Columbia.

A love story will be born between them and they try to escape the city that is literally falling from the sky.

Dewitt will have to learn to succeed in the duels through the clouds and airships, learning the secrets of many new weapons and abilities and he’ll discover the mystery behind the incredible powers locked in the body of Elizabeth.

Still many aspects of this new game are shrouded in mystery, we confidently await the new year for one of the most anticipated and steampunk FPS of the moment. (altro…)

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011 – Il Gioco da Tavolo con i Therion011 – The Boardgame with Therion

Il gioco da tavolo

Dalla mente di Paolo Vallerga e dalle meccaniche di Marco Valtriani nasce 011, un gioco da tavolo ambientato in un 1811 steampunk in cui si cercherà di impedire il Ragnarök grazie ad un libro ispirato alla metal band sinfonica svedese Therion.


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Resoconto serata del 25/11/2011 Steampunk night @ black circusReport of Steampunk night @ black circus 11/25/2011

Siamo a dare resoconto della Steampunk night organizzata da Black circus presso l’amnesy disco, dove l’associazione Steampunk italia ha partecipato con l’esposizione dei propri manufatti, con uno stand ad hoc e con l’esposizione fotografica della nostra associata e fondatrice “photoSIF” Serenella “Temperance Wrayburn” Volpe con foto, ovviamente, a tema steampunk.


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AAA Vendesi AppartamentoSteampunk apartment FOR SALE!

Il vostro desiderio più grande è sempre stato quello di vivere in un romanzo di Verne?

Vorreste un soffitto a forma di dirigibile e degli oblò al posto delle finestre?

Ma soprattutto avete quasi 2 milioni di dollari?

Potreste vivere davvero nella casa dei vostri sogni.

Has your greatest desire always been to live in a novel by Jules Verne?

Would you want a ceiling shaped like a blimp and portholes instead of windows?

But above all have you got almost 2 million dollars?

You could really live in the home of your dreams.

The unusual and gigantic apartment in question is located in Chelsea, a neighborhood in Manhattan and Jeremy Noritz, the owner, bought it in 2006 for $ 1.3 million.

The 1800 square meters, which make up the house, are divided into a large open space in which there are kitchen and living room, one bedroom and two bathrooms.

Noritz has recreated a functional input port similar to the one of a submarine, has positioned wooden gears, vintage armchairs with cupholders incorporated and has hung brass sculptures, small airships and old fans to the ceiling.
The focal point of the house is also a large zeppelin shot that seems to float on the ceiling, another blimp, but this time exploded, is the dominant theme of the bedroom which has, within it, a bomb-shaped device that raises and lowers the bed.

It took almost two years to transform the classic style of the apartment in that retro-futuristic steampunk but, perhaps, the conversion is only half successful, seems to have spared much time on the amount of objects rather than a true quality of them and everything seems too load and flashy.

Mr. Noritz is selling all at the modest sum of $ 1.75 million: ‘I’m going to spend much time away from New York’ he says. ‘I love my house very much, but it’s time that someone else enjoy it.’

Someone comes forward? (altro…)

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Published in: on Novembre 25, 2011 at 12:56 am  Lascia un commento  
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Report serata Liber Cafè “Waiting for the Past”Report 19th November 2011 at Liber Cafè “Waiting for the Past” event

Si è conclusa da poche ore la serata Steampunk dal titolo: “Waiting for the past” presso il Liber Cafè di Torino. Siamo stati onorati e felici di condividere l’evento con Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin Shop, The Steam Ghost band e il Dj set di Max’El & Lesley nonché onorati dalla presenza di Paolo Vallegra ideatore (con Marco Valtriani) del gioco da tavolo “011”.

It ended a few hours the Steampunk event titled “Waiting for the Past” at the Liber Café in Turin. We were honored and happy to share the event with Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin shop, The Steam Ghost band and DJ sets Max’El & Lesley and honored by the presence of Paolo Vallegra creator (with Marco Valtriani) of the board game “011 “.

The evening started of conviviality and mutual respect by all those present and all Exhibitors; can also be taking pictures of two professionals, such as Anna Lucylle & Giuliano The Ecleptic gave a twist the event.

It was possible to observe some very interesting creations of outfits from the participants to the evening and even more interesting and spectacular models were presented by Crepundia, Videomusic and Silvia Girardi accompanied by the notes of the band The Steam Ghost. Afterwards it was possible to attend the screening of short films that implements with pictures and notes of Therion Game Table 011.

At the end of all this there was the evening with the DJ sets.

Here is a video of the parade in which we participated as supporting actors:

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25/11/2011 Steampunk Night @ Black circus25/11/2011 Steampunk Night @ Black circus

Venerdì 25 novembre prossimo venturo Steampunk Italia parteciperà alla Steampunk Night organizzata dal Black circus, qui sotto il link del evento su facebook:


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Steampunk Italia vuole proprio TE!

Vaporosi saluti a Voi,  Soci di Steampunk Italia!

Sapete tutti cosa si propone la nostra (nel senso più ampio del termine) Associazione ma ci preme sottolineare un concetto fondamentale: Steampunk Italia è fatta per gli steamers ma, soprattutto, DAGLI steamers!

I Mercenari stanno facendo il possibile (e, con qualche aiuto meccanico, anche qualcosa di più!) per organizzare eventi ed aggiornare il contenuto del sito ma il contributo di ognuno dei Soci non è solo auspicato, è necessario!

Avete news, articoli o tutorials fatti da Voi che vi piacerebbe pubblicare sul sito? Inviate il materiale a e il nostro Sir Richard Masters sarà lieto di metterli in evidenza!

Siete membri e avete Vostre fotografie che Vorreste nella Gallery dei Membri?Avete partecipato a un nostro evento e avete scatti che lo documentano? Inviatele a e la nostra osservatrice Temperance Wrayburn sarà lieta di pubblicarle!

Avete dei fornitori di minuteria/mercatini dell’usato/spacciatori di materiale da riciclo? Avete dubbi su dove reperire i materiali per le vostre creazioni? scrivete a e troverete la nostra Lady Meccanica Victoria ad leggervi e dispensare consigli!

Volete organizzare un evento in un locale della Vostra zona? Contattatelo ed inviateci le proposte a e il tutto verrà valutato dal nostro presidente e folle scienziato Sandman!

Volete unirVi a noi nel corso degli eventi già in programma e/o presenziare allo stand dell’Associazione ad ogni manifestazione? Scriveteci a e la nostra Lady Corvinya Barker vi accoglierà!



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Published in: on Novembre 19, 2011 at 1:06 pm  Lascia un commento  
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