Si è conclusa da poche ore la serata Steampunk dal titolo: “Waiting for the past” presso il Liber Cafè di Torino. Siamo stati onorati e felici di condividere l’evento con Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin Shop, The Steam Ghost band e il Dj set di Max’El & Lesley nonché onorati dalla presenza di Paolo Vallegra ideatore (con Marco Valtriani) del gioco da tavolo “011”.
It ended a few hours the Steampunk event titled “Waiting for the Past” at the Liber Café in Turin. We were honored and happy to share the event with Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin shop, The Steam Ghost band and DJ sets Max’El & Lesley and honored by the presence of Paolo Vallegra creator (with Marco Valtriani) of the board game “011 “.
The evening started of conviviality and mutual respect by all those present and all Exhibitors; can also be taking pictures of two professionals, such as Anna Lucylle & Giuliano The Ecleptic gave a twist the event.
It was possible to observe some very interesting creations of outfits from the participants to the evening and even more interesting and spectacular models were presented by Crepundia, Videomusic and Silvia Girardi accompanied by the notes of the band The Steam Ghost. Afterwards it was possible to attend the screening of short films that implements with pictures and notes of Therion Game Table 011.
At the end of all this there was the evening with the DJ sets.
Here is a video of the parade in which we participated as supporting actors: (altro…)
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