Resoconto del “Circo a Vapore” @ Barrito, TorinoReport of Steam Circus @ Barrito, Turin

Il Circo a Vapore

Come annunciato, i Vostri beneamini sabato 18 Febbraio hanno partecipato al “Circo a Vapore” organizzato dal meraviglioso staff del “Barrito” di Torino.

As announced, on Saturday February 18th your beloved attended the “Steam Circus” organized by the wonderful staff of “Barrito” in Turin.

Impossible not to spend a wonderful evening when you’re next personalities like Impressioni Steampunk and The Steam Ghost band  (The Ghost Effect), although, unfortunately, the turnout was not the most satisfying, and yet the participants were more than worthy of note, and people showed curiosity and availability compared to the unusual.

In the frame of the circus perfectly set up, the showman Andrea Bochicchio presented the amazing phantasmagoria of Andy Rivieni II who held forth between shots of Samyra and the photo exposure of our photoSIF Serenella Volpe Photography, which together with Giuliano Di Bello – Photographer has also immortalized the bystanders precipitating them in a steampunk universe that will be impossible to forget!

Thanks to all the staff and the organization of “Barrito” for availability, competence, but, above all, for the courtesy shown: we can’t wait to repeat! (altro…)

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Published in: on Febbraio 20, 2012 at 11:25 pm  Lascia un commento  
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Intervista per Doctor Fantastique’s Show Of WondersInterview for Doctor Fantastique’s Show Of Wonders

Gli S.T.I.M., i fondatori di Steampunk Italia

Steampunk Italia sbarca anche negli States, eccovi l’intervista per Doctor Fantastique’s Show Of Wonders, una rivista americana on-line e cartacea focalizzata sulla comunità Steampunk in tutto il mondo.

Steampunk Italia arrives in the States, here’s the interview for Doctor Fantastique’s Show of Wonders, an American magazine on-line and paper focused on the Steampunk community around the world.

A big thank to the blogger M. Gabriel Colbaugh for the opportunity offered to us through Deviant Art, and for the compliments!

“Steampunk is a global phenomenon. The attention usually goes to the UK when it comes to European Steampunk, but sometimes it’s forgotten that there’s an entire continent involved as well. There are several hot spots for the movement in Europe, and the fashionable and creative Italians are a wonderful example of what can be done when you mix Steampunk standards with homegrown ideas.” (altro…)

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Published in: on Gennaio 22, 2012 at 2:42 pm  Comments (1)  
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Steamboy (per chi se lo fosse perso)Steamboy (for whom lost)

Quello che stiamo per presentarvi è un film anime, del 2004 uscito in Italia un anno dopo, piuttosto interessante per noi Steamers. Il grande mangaka Katsuhiro Otomo, dopo un manga e un Anime fantascientifico (Akira) ha deciso di proporre un anime steampunk: STEAMBOY.


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Published in: on Gennaio 8, 2012 at 12:46 am  Lascia un commento  
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Aperta la sezione “Risorse” associati accorrete!Now is open the Resources part. Chek it followers!

Come da titolo, noi di Steampunk Italia abbiamo deciso di aprire la sezione “risorse”.

Cosa serve? Direte voi, serve per render disponibile tutto il materiale che i voi carissimi associati vorrete render pubblico, oltre agli articoli ed alle foto che ci inviate; si potrà quindi trovare all’interno della sezione: filmati, immagini, wallpapers e quant’altro gli associati a Steampunk Italia creeranno e vorranno render fruibile a tutti.


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Resoconto Immaginaria Festival natale 2011Report “Immaginaria festival 2011”

Sabato 10 dicembre 2011 Steampunk italia ha avuto l’onore di esser invitato a partecipare all’ evento Sanremense “Immaginaria Festival”.

Nel corso della mattinata abbiamo partecipato, presso la scuola media Dante Alighieri, alla presentazione del libro per ragazzi di ambientazione Steampunk  “Il fiume a nord” scritto dalla bravissima Carlotta De Melas ed edito da Casini Editore:  i ragazzi hanno confermato le più rosee aspettative in termini di curiosità, vivacità, apprezzamento e partecipazione e Carlotta insieme allo staff docente si è dimostrata ospite perfetta.  Nel pomeriggio, dopo una breve sfilata per le vie di Sanremo, abbiamo creato nel villaggio di Babbo Natale un piccolo “steamlaboratorio” nel quale i bambini si sono addentrati nel nostro mondo creando da elementi di riciclo il loro paio di goggles; nel frattempo radio 103 ha ospitato Carlotta De melas che ha esplicato il suo libro ed ha intervistato il nostro Presidente tra la curiosità e la partecipazione degli astanti.

Saturday, December 10, 2011 Steampunk Italy has had the honor of being invited to participate in the Event “Sanremo Imaginaria Festival”.

During the morning we attended, at the middle school Dante Alighieri, the presentation of Steampunk children’s book called “River North” written by the talented Carlotta De Melas and published by Casini Publisher: children have confirmed the most optimistic expectations in terms of curiosity, playfulness, appreciation and participation and Carlotta together with the teaching staff has proved perfect host. In the afternoon, after a short parade through the streets of Sanremo, we have created in a small village of Santa Claus “steam laboratory” in which children have been creating, in our world meander, with elements of recycling their pair of goggles; in the meantime Radio 103 hosted Carlotta De melas that explicate her book and interviewed our President between curiosity and the participation of the audience.

The experience was incredibly satisfying and we hope that the young minds that we have met have been inspired by us: on our part, they have left us precious memories of teachings.

Here are some shots of the morning during which the boys have even asked for our autographs:

Absinth Amon and Temperance

Dr. Kappa, Corvinia, Lady Morgana, and Sir Richard

Sandman and Doc Dr. Kappa

Here are some moments during the Steam Laboratory:


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Addobbi per un Albero di Natale SteampunkSteampunk Decorations For a Christmas Tree

Lo Steam-Albero di Natale

Ecco una carrellata di addobbi natalizi (e idee) per dare al vostro albero di Natale quel tocco steampunk e festeggiare con noi le vacanze:


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Steampunk italia PicBadgeSteampunk italia PicBadge

Da oggi è disponibile sul sito la spilla cibernetica di Steampunk Italia per il vostro avatar di Facebook.

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Zombies al Vapore con BoneshakerSteam-Zombies with Boneshaker


La londinese Hammer Films ha acquisito i diritti per l’adattamento cinematografico del pluripremiato romanzo Boneshaker di Cherie Priest, pubblicato nel 2009 (ancora inedito qui in Italia).

The London-based Hammer Films has acquired the rights to the film adaptation of the award-winning novel Boneshaker by Cherie Priest, published in 2009 (still unreleased here in Italy).

In this “classic adventure of zombies and steampunk airships”, as defined on the cover, we are catapulted into an alternate version of 1880 in Seattle, walled city due to a toxic gas that has turned many of its inhabitants into zombies.
We will follow the adventures of a young widow searching for her teenage son in the underworld of Seattle, facing a powerful criminal boss, pirates of the sky and finally heavily armed refugees.

The film will be produced in collaboration with Cross Creek Pictures who also produced The Black Swan with Natalie Portman.

Tobin Armbrust, supervisor of the project development for Hammer Films, said: “First of all, this is a great story: bring to life a steampunk style novel on the big screen is something special and unique”. (altro…)

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Bioshock Infinite – AnteprimaBioshock Infinite – Preview


BioShock Infinite è un videogioco sparatutto in prima persona attualmente in sviluppo presso Irrational Games, terzo episodio della serie BioShock.

Ambientato nel 1912, BioShock Infinite vedrà come protagonista l’agente Booker Dewitt impegnato a liberare la giovane Elizabeth, imprigionata nell’immensa città volante chiamata Columbia.

BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game currently in development at Irrational Games, third episode of the BioShock series.

Set in 1912, BioShock Infinite will star agent Booker Dewitt as the hero pledged to free the young Elizabeth, imprisoned in the vast floating city called Columbia.

A love story will be born between them and they try to escape the city that is literally falling from the sky.

Dewitt will have to learn to succeed in the duels through the clouds and airships, learning the secrets of many new weapons and abilities and he’ll discover the mystery behind the incredible powers locked in the body of Elizabeth.

Still many aspects of this new game are shrouded in mystery, we confidently await the new year for one of the most anticipated and steampunk FPS of the moment. (altro…)

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011 – Il Gioco da Tavolo con i Therion011 – The Boardgame with Therion

Il gioco da tavolo

Dalla mente di Paolo Vallerga e dalle meccaniche di Marco Valtriani nasce 011, un gioco da tavolo ambientato in un 1811 steampunk in cui si cercherà di impedire il Ragnarök grazie ad un libro ispirato alla metal band sinfonica svedese Therion.


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