E’ sempre brutto dover leggere delle situazioni Steampunk che vanno a morire o debbono avere un blocco inaspettato. Questo è capitato, o meglio capiterà a breve, alla fiera di Seattle “Steamcon” dato che gli organizzatori, per poter rendere fruibile l’evento, hanno maturato un forte debito e si ritrovano ora di fronte ad un baratro: Trovare donazioni e coprire il debito oppure dichiarare bancarotta.
Qui sotto il testo originale:
“It is with profound regret and sadness that I must announce that Steamcon in no longer a viable organization, which means we must cancel Steamcon VI. Our debts are too great a hurdle for us to overcome. Based on our calculations, somewhere between 25% and 40% of the funds that we would raise for Steamcon VI will go towards paying off Steamcon V. The board has been wrestling with these economic realities for several weeks now, and voted one week ago to dissolve the corporation.
Since the meeting of January 12th, where we laid out the economic problems that we faced, we have had thirty five people purchase memberships. ( That works out to about one membership every other day. ) We have had three people donate to the CD fundraiser project. ( That is, one and a half donations per month. ) In order to raise the amount of money that we need to stave off bankruptcy, we need 390 memberships in 29 days. Just to tread water.
We could soldier on. We could attempt to raise $15,000 in 29 days. But if we once again fail, that will mean that even more people will be out money. I cannot in good faith recommend that course of action.
Steampunk Conventions, the corporation that puts on Steamcon, has $40,000 of debt from Steamcon V. The difficulties and the biggest amounts are the penalties to the hotel. When we don’t meet our room goals or food/beverage goals, the hotel imposes very sizable penalties. This is the way of doing business with hotels or venues. We get a fantastic room rate, and we get a huge amount of convention space. To get these at hardly any cost, we need to hit these numbers. …”
Lo trovate in home a questo link: http://www.steamcon.org/steamcon_vi/index.php
Concludendo questa brutta notizia, vorrei ricordare a tutti i nostri lettori che non basta dire “facciamo…” e poi non essere parte attiva dell’evento o, ancor peggio, non partecipare: inoltre questa triste notizia sottolinea nuovamente (perchè pare ce ne sia ancora bisogno) che il termine “Steam” non porta soldi a palate a nessuno.
Un abbraccio a tutti e sperando in notizie migliori.
Pubblicato da: SANdMAN76
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