Steampunk Italia presente all’Immaginaria di SanremoSteampunk Italia at Immaginaria Xmass 2011

Steampunk Italia non è solo per i grandi ma anche per i bimbi.

Infatti questo sabato, 10 dicembre 2011, sarà presente alla manifestazione Immaginaria Natale a Sanremo organizzata dall’associazione no profit Narima.

Qui di seguito il link del sito dell’evento:

Steampunk italia per le ore 15 farà una piccola parata, prima di poter accedere al laboratorio Steam ed in fine presenzierà alla presentazione del libro di Carlotta De Melas.


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Steampunk italia PicBadgeSteampunk italia PicBadge

Da oggi è disponibile sul sito la spilla cibernetica di Steampunk Italia per il vostro avatar di Facebook.

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Voglio un blaster NERF!I want a NERF blaster!


Potevamo noi dello S.T.I.M. esimerci dal fare un po’ i nerd parlando delle NERF di Hasbro? No di certo! 😀

Could S.T.I.M. hold back from doing nerds talking about the NERF from Hasbro? Of course not! 😀

Famous overseas and even here, the NERF blasters are the technological evolution, but always harmless, of old toy guns that we used as children. They are very colorful, with its soft and ergonomic shapes and shoot darts made ​​from a special soft rubber foam that doesn’t harm people or things (NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam).

And what does Steampunk in all of this?

Easy! The NERF are completely disassembled and can be changed and recolored to be transformed into retro-futuristic weapons than we love so much. There are many videos on Youtube that show how to extricate in the disassembly of the blasters, the rest is left to your imagination and to the advices that we give you in the near future for some steampunk modding!


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Bioshock Infinite – AnteprimaBioshock Infinite – Preview


BioShock Infinite è un videogioco sparatutto in prima persona attualmente in sviluppo presso Irrational Games, terzo episodio della serie BioShock.

Ambientato nel 1912, BioShock Infinite vedrà come protagonista l’agente Booker Dewitt impegnato a liberare la giovane Elizabeth, imprigionata nell’immensa città volante chiamata Columbia.

BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter video game currently in development at Irrational Games, third episode of the BioShock series.

Set in 1912, BioShock Infinite will star agent Booker Dewitt as the hero pledged to free the young Elizabeth, imprisoned in the vast floating city called Columbia.

A love story will be born between them and they try to escape the city that is literally falling from the sky.

Dewitt will have to learn to succeed in the duels through the clouds and airships, learning the secrets of many new weapons and abilities and he’ll discover the mystery behind the incredible powers locked in the body of Elizabeth.

Still many aspects of this new game are shrouded in mystery, we confidently await the new year for one of the most anticipated and steampunk FPS of the moment. (altro…)

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011 – Il Gioco da Tavolo con i Therion011 – The Boardgame with Therion

Il gioco da tavolo

Dalla mente di Paolo Vallerga e dalle meccaniche di Marco Valtriani nasce 011, un gioco da tavolo ambientato in un 1811 steampunk in cui si cercherà di impedire il Ragnarök grazie ad un libro ispirato alla metal band sinfonica svedese Therion.


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Resoconto serata del 25/11/2011 Steampunk night @ black circusReport of Steampunk night @ black circus 11/25/2011

Siamo a dare resoconto della Steampunk night organizzata da Black circus presso l’amnesy disco, dove l’associazione Steampunk italia ha partecipato con l’esposizione dei propri manufatti, con uno stand ad hoc e con l’esposizione fotografica della nostra associata e fondatrice “photoSIF” Serenella “Temperance Wrayburn” Volpe con foto, ovviamente, a tema steampunk.


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Report serata Liber Cafè “Waiting for the Past”Report 19th November 2011 at Liber Cafè “Waiting for the Past” event

Si è conclusa da poche ore la serata Steampunk dal titolo: “Waiting for the past” presso il Liber Cafè di Torino. Siamo stati onorati e felici di condividere l’evento con Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin Shop, The Steam Ghost band e il Dj set di Max’El & Lesley nonché onorati dalla presenza di Paolo Vallegra ideatore (con Marco Valtriani) del gioco da tavolo “011”.

It ended a few hours the Steampunk event titled “Waiting for the Past” at the Liber Café in Turin. We were honored and happy to share the event with Impressioni Steampunk, Crepundia coffin shop, The Steam Ghost band and DJ sets Max’El & Lesley and honored by the presence of Paolo Vallegra creator (with Marco Valtriani) of the board game “011 “.

The evening started of conviviality and mutual respect by all those present and all Exhibitors; can also be taking pictures of two professionals, such as Anna Lucylle & Giuliano The Ecleptic gave a twist the event.

It was possible to observe some very interesting creations of outfits from the participants to the evening and even more interesting and spectacular models were presented by Crepundia, Videomusic and Silvia Girardi accompanied by the notes of the band The Steam Ghost. Afterwards it was possible to attend the screening of short films that implements with pictures and notes of Therion Game Table 011.

At the end of all this there was the evening with the DJ sets.

Here is a video of the parade in which we participated as supporting actors:

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25/11/2011 Steampunk Night @ Black circus25/11/2011 Steampunk Night @ Black circus

Venerdì 25 novembre prossimo venturo Steampunk Italia parteciperà alla Steampunk Night organizzata dal Black circus, qui sotto il link del evento su facebook:


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Raduno Steampunk al Lucca Comics 2011Steampunk Meeting at Lucca Comics&Games 2011



Si è svolto, domenica 30 ottobre, durante la manifestazione Lucca Comics&Games 2011 il raduno Steampunk.

Organizzato sulle pagine del forum steampunk Laboratory of Time, sul quale i fondatori di Steampunk Italia si sono conosciuti, ha unito per qualche ora gli appassionati di questa cultura accorsi all’evento da varie regioni d’Italia.

On the 30th of october 2011 in the middle of Lucca Comics&Games convention, there was a steampunk meeting.

It was organized on the forum pages of “Laboratory of Time” where founding members of Steampunk Italia met and known each others. The steampunk meeting join for some hours people who love steampunk culture from all the Country.

More than 50 presents, the group really impressed people and photographer all around. After the meeting at 2 p.m. on the top of Santa Maria street and some pics from photographers the big group had a catwalk through the city centre.

Unfortunately we cannot talk with other people for more than a “hello” because of the messy place and many many persons around us but we are so happy to met some people we chatted online with and having our own passion. We hope for the next year to see a growing number of people for the steampunk meeting and join them all here, in Steampunk Italia association, for growing our passion for Steampunk Culture and let all Italy know about it. (altro…)

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Importante: Steampunk Italia su Class TV il 27/10/2011 Important: Steampunk Italia on Class TV News 27/10/2011

Abbiamo l’onore e l’orgoglio di dare questa notizia:
Giovedì 27 ottobre 2011 Steampunk Italia sarà sulle frequenze di Class Tv msnbc durante il telegiornale delle 12 e 30 e di replica in quello delle 16.
Abbiamo anche avuto la possibilità di avere il link per la visione in streaming del canale, ove non fosse raggiungibile tramite i normali decoder del digitale terrestre e la conferma di poter visualizzare il servizio in un secondo tempo tramite un canale di Youtube.

Steampunk Italia on Class TV News 27/10/2011

We’re very proud to give you this new:
Thuersday  27.10.2011 Steampunk Italia will be on the frequencies of Class Tv msnbc during the news broadcast at half past noon and at 4PM
We will also be live on streaming and the video will be posted as soon as uploaded on Youtube.

We really thank Riccardo G.(Liner) and Andrea S. (freelance photographer) that gave us this opportunity and made a great work during the shooting of the footages in Villa Bossi, a 19th century ruined mansion in Novara, the city where most of the “mercenaries” lives. (altro…)

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