Leviathan, la Prima Guerra Mondiale come Non la RicordateLeviathan, The First World War You Can’t Remember

La copertina del libro

Titolo: Leviathan

Autore: Scott Westerfeld

Editore: Einaudi

Pagine: 400

Prezzo copertina: 20 €

Data pubblicazione: 2010

Leviathan, di Scott Westerfeld, vincitore dell’Aurealis Award come miglior romanzo Young Adult 2009, è ambientato in una versione alternativa e ucronica del nostro passato. L’autore ci porta nel cuore dell’Europa all’alba della Prima Guerra Mondiale raccontandoci un’altra storia, che vede protagonisti un ragazzo ed una ragazza.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, winner of the Aurealis Award for Best Young Adult novel in 2009, is set in an alternate and ucronic version of our past. The author takes us into the heart of Europe at the dawn of the First World War telling another story, starring a boy and a girl.

He is Prince Alexander, son of Archduke Francis Ferdinand assassinated. Deryn Sharp is the girl and she joined the British aviation dressing up as a boy and with the false name of Dylan,. Alek and Deryn are enemies and they belong to two factions who see the world and the war in a completely opposite way: Aleksander is part of the Clankers, those who believe in a mechanical-based technology highly anachronistic that use steam machinery load of tools and weapons. Deryn, however, is part of the Darwinists, who believe in a genetic-based bio-technology, based on the development of new and peculiar species of animals used instead of machines.

The two will meet in Switzerland, following an incident of the Leviathan, the giant whale-airship, which gives its title to the book. From here it will begin their incredible journey around the world and within themselves and their lives will change forever…


Scott Westerfeld (born May 5, 1963) is an American author of science fiction. He was born in Texas and now divides his time between Sydney, Australia and New York City, USA.

As a child, Scott Westerfeld moved to California and Connecticut for his father’s job. Lloyd, his father, was a computer programmer. He saw his dad working with planes, submarines, and the Apollo missions. Westerfeld graduated from Vassar College in 1985. In an early career, Scott Westerfeld was a composer. In the 1980s, Scott Westerfeld moved to New York, which inspired his book, Polymorph. In 2001, Westerfeld married the Australian author Justine Larbalestier.

He is most well know for the Uglies series. He also wrote The Risen Empire and The Killing of Worlds, parts one and two of the same work, originally titled Succession, published in the UK in 2005 under the title The Risen Empire. (altro…)

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Published in: on Marzo 30, 2012 at 11:35 am  Lascia un commento  
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Tweets in Stile SteampunkSteampunk Style Tweets

Se state cercando un modo alternativo per rimanere aggiornati su Twitter forse avete trovato ciò che vi serve.If you are looking for an alternative way to be updated on Twitter you might find what you need.

Taking inspiration from the old ticker tape machines of the late ‘800, Adam Vaughan has created the “Twittertape Machine“, a fantastic prototype of a “Twitter-writer” connected to the network that print your tweets keeping you constantly updated.

“No ink or computer is required, simply give the machine power and an Ethernet connection to the internet and it will automatically check Twitter for new tweets every 30 seconds.
Though fully functional, this version is a primarily a prototype and proof of concept. Improvements planned for Version 2 include switching the Ethernet connection to Wifi and integrating a user control panel to enable the selection of multiple web-based data feeds such as RSS or Facebook.” – Adam



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UDITE UDITE popolo steamers!

In occasione del primo grande raduno europeo Steampunk Italia sta organizzando un pullman di steamers per rappresentare l’italia all’evento centrale ovvero in Lussemburgo!


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Oculista, un film SteampunkOculista, a Steampunk movie

La città dei sogni

Dal sito Quite Earth  siamo venuti a conoscenza del concept trailer di un film chiamato Oculista che speriamo possa veder presto la luce. È una sorta di fiaba steampunk, un viaggio misterioso all’interno di una fabbrica in cui gli operai sono in sella a biciclette e pedalando danno energia a qualcosa di sconosciuto; in cambio ricevono “esperienze di piacere ipnotico” con la promessa di vivere, un giorno, nella città dei loro sogni.

From the site Quite Earth, we’ve got a taste of the concept trailer of a film called Oculista, that we hope will see the light soon. It is a steampunk fairy tale, a mysterious travel inside a factory in which workers ride bicycles powering something unknown; in exchange they receive “hypnotic leisure experiences” with the promise to live in the city of their dreams.

Here’s a short description of the trailer:

“Henri Grotowski looks out of the window of an old train speeding through the night with the excitable naivety of someone who has left his small town to make his fortune in the big world; on his lap a battered suitcase and a portable Gramophone. Instead of the ticket inspector, Henri is visited by the mysterious Oculista who offers Henri a look through his magical glasses…”


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Published in: on Marzo 22, 2012 at 10:19 pm  Lascia un commento  
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Tutorial: Come Intagliare un Ingranaggio nel Legno

Questa settimana STEAMPUNK ITALIA vi presenta il tutorial : “COME INTAGLIARE UN INGRANAGGIO NEL LEGNO”



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Report Cartoomics 2012Report Cartoomics 2012


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Tutorial: Collarino Steampunk-Victorian

Tutorial veloce veloce da leccarsi i gomiti (come dicno gli Americani)!
Per creare questo collare con rimandi sia allo steampunk che alla rievocazione vittoriana pura, ci vogliono pochi materiali e molto meno tempo di quanto si pensi:

35 cm di nastro di velluto con colore a piacere (io ho optato per del verde smeraldo)


filo verde

un cameo (ho utilizzato per questo collare uno dei miei camei in resina)

1 bottone a pressione “maschio” da 10 mm

1 bottone a pressione “femmina” da 10 mm

la macchina per chiudere i bottoni automatici (o a pressione che dir si voglia).

Colla a caldo

Prima di tutto ho inserito ai due estremi del nastro i bottoni automatici, facendo in modo che rimanesse il bottone “femmina” interno al nastro. Ho quindi piegato in due il nastro di velluto, cercando quindi il centro del nastro ed ho cominciato a cucire il cameo fino a che ho coperto l’asola d’ingresso del cameo.
Quindi per fermare il nastro e rendere meno “ruvida” la cucitura ho coperto con colla a caldo (questo passaggio è consigliabile per chi ha il collo sensibile ma non è assoutamente indispensabile).

Collarino Vittoriano Steampunk FINITO!

Tenete sempre a mente cari Steamers: Si lavora in sicurezza, quindi SEMPRE con gli strumenti di protezione addosso! 

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DISHONORED – Bethesda ci trascina nello STEAMPUNKDISHONORED – Bethesda draws us into STEAMPUNK

L’ Ex Guardaspalle dell’ Imperatrice accusato ingiustamente della sua morte, diventa un famigerato assassino assetato di vendetta. Indossando una maschera dai sapori steampunk, il nostro anti-eroe si aggira in un mondo devastato da malattie e da un governo che fa uso di strane e nuove tecnologie, armato di strani poteri soprannaturali.


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Capitan Swing e i pirati elettrici delle isole delle Braci in ItalianoCaptain Swing aht the Electrical pirates of cindery Island in Italian

“Londra, 1830. Nei cieli della città, nascosto dalle nuvole, veleggia uno strano vascello. A sostenerlo è l’elettricità e a guidarlo è Capitan Swing che, insieme al suo equipaggio, sta cercando di recuperare qualcosa che potrà cambiare il futuro del mondo.
Londra è anche la città di Charlie Gravel, un poliziotto che una sera vede il capitano sul luogo di un omicidio e decide di dargli la caccia per arrestarlo.”
Oltre noi non andiamo per non rovinarvi la lettura di questa graphic novel Steampunk.

“London, 1830. In the skies of the city, hidden by clouds, a strange vessel sailing. To support and guide is electricity that is Captain Swing, along with his crew, trying to retrieve something that will change the future of the world.
London is also the city of Charlie Gravel, a cop who one night sees the captain on the site of a murder and decides to hunt him down to stop it. ”
Besides we are not going to not spoil the reading of this graphic novel Steampunk.

The mad genius of Warren Ellis and spectacular pencils Raulo Caceres bring to life an exciting epic in steampunk style. We will see then air pirates, love, honor, courage, new technologies, lots of steam, a lot of electricity and  futuristic stuff. An unique work in contemporary comics production.

The original American version is 2010 and was a miniseries of 4 issues printed for “Avatar press,” which at the end of last year decided to reprint the series in a single volume of 128 pages. In Italy go out, for Panini comics publisher, the next March 22; the volume contains, of course, the entire series of this steampunk comic, taking in the facts and the second American edition and bringing it here in Italy.

So dear Steamer keep an eye on your comics seller of confidence and possibly book it! (altro…)

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Published in: on Marzo 9, 2012 at 9:14 pm  Lascia un commento  
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Report della serata Handful of Metal 24/02/2012Handful of Metal report 02/24/2012

Venerdì 24 febbraio scorso durante questo festival, dove si sono susseguiti diversi gruppi di realtà territoriali differenti e di differenti generi, alcuni nostri prodi Mercenari STIM hanno portato “il verbo” di Steampunk Italia a Palazzo granaio a Settimo milanese.

Nello specifico, la Creavedove Lady Corvinia Barker, l’Osservatrice Temperance Wrayburn, Doc SANdMAN e Richard Master III.

A livello sonoro siamo partiti con del Metalcore fatto dai “Last breath before

24 th February 2012 during this festival,  made it by groups of different territories and different kinds of metal, some of our brave Mercenaries STIM led “the verb” of Steampunk Italia at Palazzo Granaio in Settimo Milanese.

Specifically, the Widowmaker Corvinia Lady Barker, the Observer Wrayburn Temperance, Doc SANdMAN and Master Richard III.

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